Saturday, December 12, 2015

Runequest confusion

So I would like to introduce the group I am playing D & D(TM) with to RuneQuest and have  RQ be our 'B' game. Or our 'C' game. Whatever. It's hard to get people together and having smaller B & C games, with D & D as the A game.

I like D & D(TM!) as a concept, and I had forgotten how vivid it could be until we started playing again, but the mechanics and the whole class-and-level thing are not so good.

Back in the day I really loved RuneQuest, the mechanics were super-cool and felt 'realistic' to me. We pretty much ignored Glorantha and I was out of the hobby by the time all the  super cool Glorantha supplements were out.

I wanted to introduce a B or C game at least based on RuneQuest, if not RQ itself. I had read RuneQuest Essentials and found the thing pretty complicated. Cool, but I had trouble wrapping my head around the combat sequence after years away from all of this nonsense.

I picked up Magic World and the Advanced Sorcery supplement, and thought about using that. But that seems to have fallen by the wayside after the Chaosium / Moon Design merger / return of the Great Old Ones.

So I though either RuneQuest or OpenQuest. The simplicity of OpenQuest is appealing, but the cool combat effects in RuneQuest are even more appealing.

But now it looks like the current RuneQuest is doomed and will be replaced by something else from Chaosium, and be explicitly set in Glorantha.

Which I don't find that appealing.

RuneQuest 6 will continue under a new name from The Design Mechanism sometime next year.

I really don't want to introduce my friends to a game system with the caveat "By the way, this is all going to change next year." That makes for a hard sell.

The Design Mechanism's announcement is here on their forums.

Chaosium's annnouncement is here on their blog.

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